Tŝilhqot’in National Government - Indian Registry
You should book an appointment at TNG if your status card:
- Is paper laminated;
- Has expired;
- Has a picture that no longer resembles you
We are currently only booking on Fridays by appointment only at the TNG Downtown office (253 4th Ave. Williams Lake).
Phone (250) 392-3918 to book an appointment.
- Issue status cards to registered Tŝilhqot’in community members, and members of other Nations, and/or assist individuals in applying for a Secure Certificate of Indian Status card (SCIS), which will be mailed to the client in approximately 8-16 weeks after applying;
- Provide advice and support to clients by reviewing Applications for Registration on the Indian Register and Applications for SCIS (Registering the birth of a child);
- Band transfers to Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government & Tŝideldel First Nation;
- Report life events to Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) to update in the Indian Registration System (IRS);
- Commissioner for Taking Affidavits signings as it pertains to the IRS and estates with ISC; and
- PAL photos for our Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) Instructor
**Note that TNG only offers new SCIS cards and cannot issue paper laminated status cards.

Commissioner of Oaths
Our Indian Registration Administrator (IRA) has a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits (Commissioner of Oaths) appointment, who can assist members at no charge with:
- Statutory Declarations pertaining to the registration and/or status card application process;
- Statutory Declarations pertaining to Estates with ISC;
- Class Action Settlements as a Witness OR Guarantor (most recently, First Nations Drinking Water Settlement and Federal Indian Day School Class Action)

What to bring
When applying for a SCIS you will need to provide one valid supporting ID (must have a picture), such as:
- BCID (Provincial ID)
- Driver’s Licence
- Marriage/name change certificates
- Health Services Card
- Passport
When registering an individual for the first time, a long-form birth certificate with parent(s) listed on the document needs to be provided to complete application.
**No temporary, altered, or photocopied documents will be accepted.
Registration Forms

Recently Applied?
If you have recently applied and have not received your registration and/or status card in the mail, please inquire about your application at: 1-800-567-9604 or by email infopubs@sac-isc.gc.ca (include your given name(s) and surname(s), date of birth, and contact information in case the SCIS unit needs to verify your identity).

Contact information regarding status and other supporting documents or IDs:
Name | number | Contact |
Status Health Benefits for BC Residents: First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) | General: 1-855-550-5454 Medical Claims: 1-800-317-7878 Dental Claims: 1-888-321-5003 | www.fnha.ca/benefits |
Status Health Benefits for Non-BC Residents: Non-Insured Health Benefits Program | 1-800-317-7878 | www.hc-sc.gc.ca |
ISC BC Estates | 1-888-917-9977 | bcestates@sac-isc.gc.ca |
BC Vital Statistics Agency (Birth Certificates / Marriage Certificates / Name-change Certificates) | 1-888-876-1633 or 250-952-2681 | https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events |
Service BC (BC Driver’s Licence / BCIDs) | 1-800-663-7867 | Service BC – Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca) |