Home Governance Dechen Ts’edilhtan: Laws
Dechen Ts’edilhtan: Laws
Tŝilhqot’in National Government - Laws
The Tŝilhqot’in National Government works towards establishing strong practices and policies within our territory. This is done through our constitution development, laws, and leadership.
Laws and Policy
The Tŝilhqot’in National Government has long held laws that govern the land and people. These oral laws are being put to paper.
- Nemiah Declaration (Tŝilhqot’in)
- Nemiah Declaration (English)
- Tŝilhqotin Emergency Moose Protection Law (English)
- Tŝilhqot’in Nation Nulh Ghah Dechen Ts’edilhtan (“Tŝilhqot’in Nation Wildlife Law”)
- Tsilhqotin Nation Hunting Order
- Policy Regarding “Other Training or Courses” for s.15(a) of the Hunting Order
- Elhdaqox Dechen Tsedilhtan (“Sturgeon River Law”)
- TNG Mining Policy
Tŝilhqot’in Ts’iqi Dechen Jedilhtan Advisory Council
Also known in English as the Tŝilhqot’in Women’s Council, this council was created in the Fall of 2019 following direction from the Tŝilhqot’in Chiefs and engagement with the Tŝilhqot’in communities.
- Support women participating in Tŝilhqot’in Nation leadership at the community and Nation level;
- Be role models, healthy (free of drugs & alcohol), and support healing, and cultural revitalization that contributes to healthy families, communities, and the Nation;
- Prepare recommendations for the Nits’inʔin-qi that are focused on the work of the Women’s Council for the benefit of Tŝilhqot’in deni, and future generations; and
- Meet with Nits’ilʔin-qi regularly to advise on issues and decisions prior to implementation as requested by the Nits’il?in-qi or those that have been brought forward by the Women’s Council as emerging issues
The Women’s Council representatives also have roles in each of their respective communities as determined by the community and its leadership. We are very fortunate that the Women’s Council is well rounded, strikes a balance between traditional and western knowledge, and includes both Elders and youth. In their first and second year the Women’s Council were instrumental in providing guidance to the Social sub-table and its initiatives. In 2021, the Council worked together with the Governance Committee and knowledge holders to conduct a ceremony for our fish and water.
Members of the Council include:
- Shirley Diablo, Tl’esqox
- Loretta Jeff – Tl’esqox Alternate
- Lilly Garland – Tl’esqox
- Sharon Palmantier – ʔEsdilagh
- Thelma Stump – ʔEsdilagh
- Brittney Hink, Yuneŝit’in
- Micole Myers, Yuneŝit’in
- Rebecca Solomon – Yuneŝit’in alternate
- Carla Alphonse, Tl’etinqox
- Angela Stump, Tl’etinqox
- Doreen William-Grinder, Xeni Gwet’in
- Margaret Lulua, Xeni Gwet’in
- Dora Grinder, Tŝideldel
- Carolyn Charleyboy – Tŝideldel
- Crystal Stump – Tŝideldel

Matriarch Elder Angie Stump

“I could clearly see the Big, Huge mirror broken into a million pieces… in the mirror was our Tŝilhqot’in language, stories, culture, identity, songs, drums, strength, etc. It got broken into a million pieces.
Now, it’s up to each one of us to put the pieces back together. And it will be a very slow process…
Today, we are slowly healing and we are putting the mirror back together.
We are strong Resilient Tŝilhqot’in.”
Elder Angie Stump is a Matriarch, well respected Elder and member of the Tl’etinqox community. She is a fluent Tŝilhqot’in speaker and is passionate about cultural revitalization using traditional teachings, such as ribbon skirt making, ribbon skirt fashion shows, traditional songs, and baby basket making.
Angie sits on the Tŝilhqot’in Tsiqi Dechen Jedilhtan and continues to bring cultural awareness in everything she does.